Chinese Zodiac Sign Calculator 🇨🇳

This Chinese zodiac sign calculator with elements lets you find your Chinese zodiac sign easily. Simply type in your birth year and the calculator will handle the rest. It’s totally free to use and there’s no sign up required.

Chinese Zodiac

Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

Enter your birth year

>> Click here to get a 20 minutes video reading of your natal zodiac birth chart

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The Chinese Zodiac, also known as Shengxiao, is a unique aspect of Chinese culture deeply rooted in astrology and mythology. With each year in a 12-year cycle being represented by a different animal sign, the Chinese Zodiac offers insights into personality traits, compatibility, and even predictions for the future. The Chinese Zodiac Sign Calculator makes it easy to find your shengxiao zodiac. You can learn about its functionality, frequently asked questions, and additional insights to help you understand the tool below

How the Chinese Zodiac Sign Calculator Works

The Chinese Zodiac Sign Calculator is a tool designed to determine an individual’s Chinese zodiac sign based on their birth year. Here’s how it works:

  1. Input Birth Year: Users enter their birth year into the calculator.
  2. Calculation: The calculator processes the input and identifies the corresponding Chinese zodiac sign based on the 12-year cycle.
  3. Display Result: The result is displayed, revealing the user’s Chinese zodiac sign along with its associated characteristics and symbolism.

By providing a simple and intuitive interface, the Chinese Zodiac Sign Calculator allows users to discover their zodiac sign and explore its significance in their lives.

FAQs about the Chinese Zodiac Sign Calculator

  1. What if I don’t know my exact birth year? If you’re unsure about your birth year, you can estimate it to the best of your knowledge. But seriously? , c’mon! For accurate results, it’s ideal to input the correct birth year.
  2. Can the Chinese Zodiac Sign Calculator predict my future? While the Chinese zodiac offers insights into personality traits and compatibility, it is not a tool for predicting the future. Its purpose is to provide guidance and self-awareness rather than fortune-telling.
  3. Are the characteristics of each zodiac sign universally applicable? While the traits associated with each Chinese zodiac sign are widely recognized, individuals may exhibit variations based on cultural background, upbringing, and personal experiences.
  4. Is there a compatibility aspect to the Chinese Zodiac? Yes, the Chinese Zodiac is often used to assess compatibility between individuals, particularly in relationships and marriages. Certain zodiac signs are believed to complement each other, while others may clash.
Chinese zodiac sign calculator

Chinese zodiac Year Chart

Below is the full Chinese zodiac sign chart , which includes the associated animal, element , heavenly stem and earthly branch.

1924–19831984–2043Associated animalYing/yangAssociated elementHeavenly stemEarthly branch
Feb 13 1926–Feb 01 1927Feb 09 1986–Jan 28 1987TigerYangFire
Jan 31 1938–Feb 18 1939Jan 28 1998–Feb 15 1999TigerYangEarth
Feb 17 1950–Feb 05 1951Feb 14 2010–Feb 02 2011TigerYangMetal
Feb 05 1962–Jan 24 1963Feb 01 2022–Jan 21 2023TigerYangWater
Jan 23 1974–Feb 10 1975Feb 19 2034–Feb 07 2035TigerYangWood
Feb 10 1929–Jan 29 1930Feb 06 1989–Jan 26 1990SnakeYinEarth
Jan 27 1941–Feb 14 1942Jan 24 2001–Feb 11 2002SnakeYinMetal
Feb 14 1953–Feb 02 1954Feb 10 2013–Jan 30 2014SnakeYinWater
Feb 02 1965–Jan 20 1966Jan 29 2025–Feb 16 2026SnakeYinWood
Feb 18 1977–Feb 06 1978Feb 15 2037–Feb 03 2038SnakeYinFire
Jan 26 1933–Feb 13 1934Jan 23 1993–Feb 09 1994RoosterYinWater
Feb 13 1945–Feb 01 1946Feb 09 2005–Jan 28 2006RoosterYinWood
Jan 31 1957–Feb 17 1958Jan 28 2017–Feb 15 2018RoosterYinFire
Feb 17 1969–Feb 05 1970Feb 13 2029–Feb 02 2030RoosterYinEarth
Feb 05 1981–Jan 24 1982Feb 01 2041–Jan 21 2042RoosterYinMetal
Feb 05 1924–Jan 23 1925Feb 02 1984–Feb 19 1985RatYangWood
Jan 24 1936–Feb 10 1937Feb 19 1996–Feb 06 1997RatYangFire
Feb 10 1948–Jan 28 1949Feb 07 2008–Jan 25 2009RatYangEarth
Jan 28 1960–Feb 14 1961Jan 25 2020–Feb 11 2021RatYangMetal
Feb 15 1972–Feb 02 1973Feb 11 2032–Jan 30 2033RatYangWater
Feb 02 1927–Jan 22 1928Jan 29 1987–Feb 16 1988RabbitYinFire
Feb 19 1939–Feb 07 1940Feb 16 1999–Feb 04 2000RabbitYinEarth
Feb 06 1951–Jan 26 1952Feb 03 2011–Jan 22 2012RabbitYinMetal
Jan 25 1963–Feb 12 1964Jan 22 2023–Feb 09 2024RabbitYinWater
Feb 11 1975–Jan 30 1976Feb 08 2035–Jan 27 2036RabbitYinWood
Feb 04 1935–Jan 23 1936Jan 31 1995–Feb 18 1996PigYinWood
Jan 22 1947–Feb 09 1948Feb 18 2007–Feb 06 2008PigYinFire
Feb 08 1959–Jan 27 1960Feb 05 2019–Jan 24 2020PigYinEarth
Jan 27 1971–Feb 14 1972Jan 23 2031–Feb 10 2032PigYinMetal
Feb 13 1983–Feb 01 1984Feb 10 2043–Jan 29 2044PigYinWater
Jan 24 1925–Feb 12 1926Feb 20 1985–Feb 08 1986OxYinWood
Feb 11 1937–Jan 30 1938Feb 07 1997–Jan 27 1998OxYinFire
Jan 29 1949–Feb 16 1950Jan 26 2009–Feb 13 2010OxYinEarth
Feb 15 1961–Feb 04 1962Feb 12 2021–Jan 31 2022OxYinMetal
Feb 03 1973–Jan 22 1974Jan 31 2033–Feb 18 2034OxYinWater
Feb 06 1932–Jan 25 1933Feb 04 1992–Jan 22 1993MonkeyYangWater
Jan 25 1944–Feb 12 1945Jan 22 2004–Feb 08 2005MonkeyYangWood
Feb 12 1956–Jan 30 1957Feb 08 2016–Jan 27 2017MonkeyYangFire
Jan 30 1968–Feb 16 1969Jan 26 2028–Feb 12 2029MonkeyYangEarth
Feb 16 1980–Feb 04 1981Feb 12 2040–Jan 31 2041MonkeyYangMetal
Jan 30 1930–Feb 16 1931Jan 27 1990–Feb 14 1991HorseYangMetal
Feb 15 1942–Feb 04 1943Feb 12 2002–Jan 31 2003HorseYangWater
Feb 03 1954–Jan 23 1955Jan 31 2014–Feb 18 2015HorseYangWood
Jan 21 1966–Feb 08 1967Feb 17 2026–Feb 05 2027HorseYangFire
Feb 07 1978–Jan 27 1979Feb 04 2038–Jan 23 2039HorseYangEarth
Feb 17 1931–Feb 05 1932Feb 15 1991–Feb 03 1992GoatYinMetal
Feb 05 1943–Jan 24 1944Feb 01 2003–Jan 21 2004GoatYinWater
Jan 24 1955–Feb 11 1956Feb 19 2015–Feb 07 2016GoatYinWood
Feb 09 1967–Jan 29 1968Feb 06 2027–Jan 25 2028GoatYinFire
Jan 28 1979–Feb 15 1980Jan 24 2039–Feb 11 2040GoatYinEarth
Jan 23 1928–Feb 09 1929Feb 17 1988–Feb 05 1989DragonYangEarth
Feb 08 1940–Jan 26 1941Feb 05 2000–Jan 23 2001DragonYangMetal
Jan 27 1952–Feb 13 1953Jan 23 2012–Feb 09 2013DragonYangWater
Feb 13 1964–Feb 01 1965Feb 10 2024–Jan 28 2025DragonYangWood
Jan 31 1976–Feb 17 1977Jan 28 2036–Feb 14 2037DragonYangFire
Feb 14 1934–Feb 03 1935Feb 10 1994–Jan 30 1995DogYangWood
Feb 02 1946–Jan 21 1947Jan 29 2006–Feb 17 2007DogYangFire
Feb 18 1958–Feb 07 1959Feb 16 2018–Feb 04 2019DogYangEarth
Feb 06 1970–Jan 26 1971Feb 03 2030–Jan 22 2031DogYangMetal
Jan 25 1982–Feb 12 1983Jan 22 2042–Feb 09 2043DogYangWater
Source: Wikipedia
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